The ScoliClinic is a socially conscious healthcare company that provides high-quality scoliosis care.
Our team at The ScoliClinic strives to change the scoliosis treatment landscape in BC and beyond, by continually learning how to provide the highest quality care in an inclusive way, and engaging in projects that work towards systems change.
Scoliosis treatments
Proven scoliosis treatment options, such as curve-specific physiotherapy and registered massage therapy for people with spinal conditions using Schroth Method principles.
Schroth Physiotherapy
The Schroth Method is one physical therapy treatment approach for scoliosis and Scheuermann’s Kyphosis under the umbrella of Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis-Specific Exercise (PSSE).
Massage therapy for Scoliosis
The ScoliClinic offers Registered Massage Therapy (RMT) for our clients who have scoliosis or other spinal conditions.
Pre and Post
Surgical Treatment
For some people, surgery is a necessary step in their scoliosis treatment. Your spine surgeon will discuss the various factors that may determine whether you are a candidate for spinal fusion surgery or vertebral body tethering surgery.
Our clinics
Each of our spaces is thoughtfully designed to facilitate classic Schroth Method exercises. The spaces are structured to accommodate individual or group sessions, allowing you to meet others on a similar journey.
North Vancouver
We’re here to help
Get detailed answers to these any many other questions by visiting our Frequently Asked Questions page.
What is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is a general term that covers a group of conditions consisting of changes in the shape and position of the spine, thorax, and trunk. The curve can be “functional” in nature, which means that the curve is secondary to causes such as leg length difference, or muscle tone asymmetry. In contrast, the curve can be “structural”, which means that the causes of the curve started in the spine and vertebral changes are noted.
Of the types of structural scoliosis, Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) makes up 80% of these cases. AIS presents in otherwise healthy, typically-developing children and teenagers. It typically develops or progresses during the pre-pubertal growth spurt, as the child gains height in the spine. The cause of AIS is still unknown, but research is showing that it’s likely multifactorial in origin.
There are two main groups of adults with scoliosis. A large proportion of these adults were diagnosed with idiopathic scoliosis as children and have now matured with symptoms that intensify in adulthood; the other portion of adults are those who develop scoliosis, called “de novo scoliosis”, due to degenerative spinal changes that occur in the spinal column.
Is there a cure for Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is a change in the shape of the vertebrae that typically occurs during the pre-pubertal growth spurts in adolescence. Unfortunately, there is no cure for scoliosis at this point.
Conservative scoliosis treatments like physiotherapy and bracing aim to improve posture, strengthen back, shoulder, core, and pelvic muscles, decrease pain, and slow the curve progression as much as possible.